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发布时间:2011年04月18日 09:20 | 进入复兴论坛 | 来源:经济参考报

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  当地时间14日开始,2011年国际货币基金组织(IM F)和世界银行春季会议在华盛顿拉开帷幕。两大组织梳理出了当前全球经济面临的难题,高债务和高通胀成为核心。

  the International M onetary Fund,w hichw arnedthis week that unless the world’s leading econom ies co-operated m ore effectively,“the recovery will stand onincreasingly hollow legs over the m edium term”andnoted that

  “the im perative for action and willingnessto co-operate are dim inishing”.

  国际货币基金组织本周警告称,除非全球主要经济体更为有效地合作,否则,“在中期内,复苏将建立在日益空洞的基础上”。IM F指出,各方“行动的迫切性和合作意愿正在减弱”。(《金融时报》)

  二十国集团(G 20)的协同应对世界经济难题的效果前景并不被看好。

  A ddingto recent criticism of the slow pace ofA m erica’s attem pts toreduce its borrow ings,theIM F’s FinancialCounsellor,Jose V inals,said that,be-cause of their huge debts,boththe U SandJapanwere“vulnerable”to any rise in interest rates unlessthey took“decisive

  action...over the m edium term”.

  IM F金融顾问JoseV inals表示,美国近期被指削减债务行动缓慢,这是因为美国的债务规模实在过大。此外,如果不能在中期采取果断措施,美国和日本将很容易受到加息的影响。(《卫报》)

  T heIM F said thebanksw erefarfromfixed,and thosein E uropew ereespecially“w eak”,w ithabout a thirdof the EU’s banksoperating w ith inadequatecapital buffers.“Structural

  w eaknesses andvulnerabilities intheeuroarea pose dow nside risks”.

  IM F称,全球银行离复原还有很长一段距离,而欧洲银行尤其虚弱。欧盟约三分之一的银行资本缓冲不足。报道称,欧元区结构上的缺点和漏洞构成了下行风险。(《卫报》)


  WorldBankPresident R obert ZoellickonThursday w arned of rising food inflation and highoilprices as risks

  to w orld grow th,as they threaten topushm ore people into poverty.“W e are at a tippingpoint in term s offood prices,”Zoellick said .



  Zoellickalsocitedhighsovereigndebts inadvanced countriesasanotherrisk to thew orld’s econom ic outlook.


  (闫磊 编译)