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Five million prize is the highest national price in science and technology.What will be the personal story like as to the winners?
吴文俊——首届(2000年)国家最高科技奖获得者 数学家
Wu Wenjun
Winner of Top National Science and Technology Prize in 2000,Machematician
李振声——2006年度国家最高科技奖获得者 遗传学家
Li Zhensheng
Winner of Top National Science and Technology Prize in 2006,Geneticist
闵恩泽——2007年度国家最高科技奖获得者 石油化工催化剂专家
Min Enze
Winner of Top National Science and Technology Prize in 2007,Expert on Petrochemical Engineering Catalyst
“The use of mathematics is very wide,although it looks abstract and bewildering.”
“A person can not achieve anything is he has no aspiration and interest.But the interest can not be too wide,because there is limit in people’s time,energy and wisdom.”
“Catalyst is part of my life.I feel so pleased and proud to see the biological oil refining companies.”